Get more done in the next twelve weeks, than you normally do all year!
And, still have time for R&R!

You Can Have Peace of Mind,

get all your favorite projects done,
and have time left over for whatever you want it for.

Let me show you how.

  • End self-sabotage forever


  • Have more time to rest and to decompress than you have had in years


  • Get more done in less time than you ever have before (even if you’re already VERY productive!)


  • Create ease and peace of mind around your To Do List


  • Take ground on all those personal, back-burner projects too!


    Select from the packages below:

    Is it possible to spin time out of thin air?

    – What if you’re not naturally made for critical thinking and flawless execution on minimal sleep and with your crazy schedule?

    – What if you want more for your life, but you’re already producing kick-butt results and are at your capacity?

    – What if you’re just exhausted?

    The good news is, there is a way to spin time out of thin air with surprisingly little effort.

    Select your preferred option below:

    Master this one thing, and your dreams will follow.

    My name is Kathleen Peterson, and around me, people produce kick-butt results AND have complete peace of mind about what does and doesn’t get done.

    For the last three decades, I have been designing strategies for high-achieving professionals who enjoy successful careers and now want that success to permeate every aspect of their lives.

    I’ve seen every problem, every road block, every frustration.  

    Here’s what I’ve learned in my long career working with people who are already doing amazing things, but find themselves wishing they were getting more out of life:

    The things that keep you on that hamster wheel and under the gun of constant stress and anxiety are hidden from your view.

    Time Alchemists learn to search out and reveal those hidden gems, and once they do, a whole world of possibilities becomes available to them.

    That’s how they spin time out of thin air.

    It’s my life’s purpose to turn high-achieving professionals like you into Time Alchemists. Because once you have control over your time, you can create anything you want.

    The world is waiting for your magnificence!


    Ready for time affluence?


    Time is your most precious commodity. The Time Alchemy Formula is a 12-week hybrid program that I’ve spent decades honing into the perfect launchpad to guide a very specific transformation; your relationship with time, self-care and results.

    You’ll find time you never knew you had, you’ll take action on those projects that always seem to get delayed.

    And, most important, this program will help you to find ways to add self-care, rest and more fun into your life.

    You will even create the space to occasionally do whatever you want or absolutely nothing (without any guilt).


    • Make peace with your To Do List
    • Transform long-standing challenges of overwhelm and procrastination

    • Find more time for self-care, fun, and social activities

    • Take new action on passion projects that have been on the “back burner”

    • Regain greater personal confidence about your ability to fit it all in

    • Rekindle your passion(s), igniting your heart, mind and soul

    • Become even more efficient and effective; accomplishing more, in less time

    • Feel more fulfilled, energized and experience greater satisfaction from the results you produce

    • Craft a customized plan that has you accomplish as much in a quarter as you normally do in a year


    Here’s how we guide you to learn to spin time out of thin air every day:

    –1– One-on-One Coaching

    All of my biggest transformation has been because of a great coach who helped me see beyond what I could see for myself and who listened for my greatness.

    Nothing takes the place of a guide-on-the-side. Someone who listens to you attentively and suggests curated pivots in your plan… totally based on you and your needs and your wants, in real time.

    I am honored to be that guide-on-the-side for you through this program.

    As the program grows in popularity, I may need to add other fabulous coaches but for now, you get me, Kathleen Peterson. 

    Since the pandemic, I’ve seen even my highest-achieving clients flounder a bit. The “Great Resignation,” our chaotic economy, coupled with ever-changing daily challenges put a strain on even the most focused professionals.

    We will work magic when you have my full attention – we can troubleshoot your productivity blind spots, shift your energy and mindset when you’re feeling less than perfect, and get your most private struggles out in the open and (finally) handled for good.

    And most important, you will become much better acquainted with your own magnificence. And that shift will have you become increasingly more confident, at a whole new level.

    In the Time Alchemy Formula, you’ll get one private session to start the program to set a solid foundation for success, and one to help you finish strong and build your next steps. Between the Q&A Mastermind Sessions, you will also receive four additional private coaching sessions to keep your projects moving along at record speed AND with amazing ease. That is SIX private coaching sessions!

    –2– Q&A Mastermind Calls & Recordings

    One of the best things about The Time Alchemy Formula  is that it attracts high achievers in all sorts of industries, and they’re all up to big things, like you. That’s what makes the group dynamics so valuable. You are inspiring and so are your fellow participants.

    I will answer questions (you can submit as many as you like before the calls too) and we will discuss how you’re putting Time Alchemy into action to create results in all areas of your life. 

    Simply put, we move mountains in these sessions. You don’t want to miss them.  

    And if you do have to miss one, no worries – you will have access to all the replays. All mastermind sessions are recorded and uploaded within 48 hours so you can re-listen to any or all of them.

    Many clients report hearing things they never heard while in the session, after listening to them again. These recordings also add flexibility for you to participate and learn when your schedule won’t allow you to participate live in a session.

    –3– Post-Session Recap System

    You are one in a million and totally unique. So what you create in this program will be completely different from others who participate with you. And, coaching is only as powerful as your implementation into your daily life.

    To make that more powerful, you have to remember your shifts in thinking, insights, new intentions and new actions to take… and to be present to those changes you are making, when the sunami of life comes at you again.

    For that reason, I’ve added a Recap System for you to easily integrate what you’re learning into your daily life.

    Capture your new thoughts and acknowledge your progress, immediately after each session, before getting pulled back into repetitive time drains. 

    This form is held in our Private Client Portal so you can continue your transformational expansion between sessions and easily retrieve these golden nuggets and reminders, as needed.

    –4– Optional Power Partnering

    Accountability adds another dimention to success with any endeavor. Adding an accountabilty partner in your Time Alchemy Formula Mastermind is a huge opportunity to undergo massive transformation in this program. 

    If you know you need additional accountability support, you can opt to partner with fellow Time Alchemists.

    Or even better, register with someone you have a synergy respect with, so you can both co-create your mutual success from the very beginning of the program!

    People who commit at this deep level of engagement often experience even greater results and develop long-lasting, enjoyable relationships with fellow participants.  

    –5– Transformational Self-Paced Content

    The Time Alchemy Formula is loaded with content. It is designed for you to work through lessons easily and fit it into your schedule. These modules are carefully designed to help people who have “been there, done that” to get beyond the basics of so-called time management and move into authentic time alchemy; spinning time out of thin air.  

    My recommendation for the pace of this program is to watch one module per week for three consecutive weeks and map the practices onto your life. I have built times for you to integrate and/or catch up, if you ever fall behind.

    What’s more, if you know you are someone who doesn’t finish what you start, I still promise you will get amazing results from this program anyway, just by showing up to the sessions and moving your 12-week plan along (We will create this plan in our initial private session, so you don’t even need to rely on yourself to finish that!) I’ve got your back!

    Select from the packages below:

    In just 12 weeks, this is what you’ll have accomplished:

    Getting Started: Plan to Win

    You know what they say: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But we plan for you to win! This module is all about crafting a simple plan to make sure you’re successful with this process. 

    Lots of people sign up for courses and then never look at them. Our process will handle “course overwhelm paralysis.” 

    We’ll take stock of where you’re starting, identify the gaps to close, and highlight your innate strengths. This is the foundation that will have you move forward with greatest ease.

    This module also sets the context for your Time Alchemy program.

    This module teaches you how to get started on this journey; how to fit this program into your already-busy life. I make it super easy for you to organize your thoughts around fitting this transformation into your life. We cover proven campaigns to disengage from the harried pace, almost immediately. Take a big breath! The calm begins now!


    Step One: Vanquish Self-Loathing and Sabotage

    Now that we have the course overwhelm paralysis handled, we need to handle any saboteurs that lurk in the shadows. Discover what’s been secretly derailing you, especially when you’re being your most productive and then suddenly you’re NOT. We all have a behavior or pattern that derails us just when we’re about to make big progress on something important. 

    You will identify your unique behavior or patterns, so we can build a new pathway and “work-arounds” to ensure success. Even life-long productivity challenges will fail to get in the way of your success going forward. By the end of this module, you will have maximized your innate strengths by clearing the deck of all the mental debris you have gotten used to. This means we’ll identify all your gaps and “blind spots” that get in the way of your best productivity flow. Then, we will curate a practice that addresses each blind spot. Because these practices are organic and natural for you, they are easy to stick to. It will require almost no effort to incorporate them into your life and work compared to other methods you may have tried. 


    Step Two: Maximize Your Innate Structure

    Now that you’ve curtailed the self-sabotage, we will shine a spotlight on your greatest strengths. There are certain actions you take when things are running smoothly and you are your most productive self. You’ve spent years honing them but you might not even know they’re there. We spotlight these strengths and bring them to consciousness so you can utilize them as a powerful foundation to maximize your use of time throughout your day.

    Shining a light on your unique habits and bringing them into greater focus will have each day start to feel more like you have control of your time and more importantly, control of your results! 

    In this module, you will learn how to put more attention on your unique, personal habits that keep you mega productive when you really want to be and calm and rested when it’s time for that part of life. 

    In this module, you will learn to focus on your intended end results and gain strength in your ability to magnetize those results.


    Step Three: Fire Hose Garden Hose

    With this module, you won’t be able to make time stop but you’ll get really close! With the Herculean habits we identified in Module 2, you’ll have new tools for trading in the fire hose for a garden hose. Learn strategies to control the velocity of tasks and projects of life, so that they’re manageable and invigorating. 

    In this module, you will access a proven method for staying on track with any projects that get thrown at you, regardless of the circumstances. 

    We will also learn a proven brain hack to achieve even bigger successes so you are equipped to gain both momentum and amplitude going forward. 

    When you employ these techniques, time may even seem like it stops for you to catch up with everything on your to-do list.


    Step Four: Level Up with Ease

    With this module we level up the game. You will be able to hold onto your vision of your endgame, even when life gets overwhelming and busy. 

    Never again will you feel forced to let your intentions be pushed aside for the next latest emergency of life. Distractions won’t keep you from taking ground on your heart-felt projects anymore. 

    After this module, you’ll have a method for returning to your dream when life derails you.


    Step Five: Plug Into Your Natural Rhythm 

    An engine that is run wide-open, without oil changes and regular maintenance, will eventually burn out. You are much more complex than an engine, and you need to refuel, too. 

    Between long work days, family, community obligations compounded by personal responsibility, you likely feel you can’t possibly get everything done, much less have quality personal time left at the end of the day. 

    When time is tight, you likely neglect yourself and put your job demands first, but then have a hard time performing your best work. 

    Luckily, with the right strategy and structure, you can easily regain equilibrium between work, life, play, and rest.

    You’ll be harmonizing your work-to-life integration with ease and a renewed enthusiasm after this module.


    Step Six:  Launch Your Dream

    This is the final step, when you identify all the breakthroughs you have caused to happen since the start of this process. You will be amazed at how much progress you will have made in your life and how easy it was to fit your new endeavor into your life. Life will feel even more joyful and satisfying than ever before.

    In life, we are either expanding or contracting. In this sixth module, we will establish a practice of planning for and implementing both the ebb and flow. Then, you will start to craft your next big leap. What new endeavor got revealed in the process of making this current success happen? How big does your success long to be?


    That’s it! All you need to do is take six simple steps over twelve weeks to create and start on your new path to unbelievably fulfilling success.

    The Time Alchemy Formula Mastermind Program

    12-Week Hybrid Mastermind includes:

    • Six Mastermind Sessions (Plus BONUS Sessions)

    • Six (6) Private One-on-One Coaching Sessions

    • Six Recorded Content Modules in bite-size bits

    • Handouts

    • Templates

    Time's Running Out! Grab Your Seat Now








    Select from the packages below:

    Are You Ready to Stop Fighting the Clock and Start Living Your Best Life?

    Since there is so much individual attention in this course, space is limited. Our next Time Alchemy Formula begins at 10:00 a.m. EST on January 8, 2024.  

    Before you make a decision, let me ask you a question: What have the last several years been like for you?  How have things changed?  

    Are you more productive than before, or less?

    Are you chipping away at the projects that mean the most to you?  For example, if you want to write a book, have you started the process (or, at least the outline or theme of the book)? 

    Or, if you want to start a business that makes a huge difference for our planet and all of her inhabitants, have you begun your research or talked to anyone about your idea? Or are you keeping everything to yourself?  

    If it’s a sport you want to play, have you signed up for lessons or gotten into a local league?   

    If not, why not? What’s stopping you? 

    If your answer is, “I don’t have time,” then The Time Alchemy Formula is designed with you in mind!

    Please know, though, if you don’t have a track record of high performance in at least one area of your life, this program might not work well for you. The modules and coaching sessions are designed for seasoned players who are ready to level up, but reading productivity books, using cookie-cutter methods, and even taking transformational programs just hasn’t gotten you into action on the things that are most important to you or that you feel have to wait for other, more important matters to get finished first.  

    Because this is the third time I’m running this particular program since the pandemic entered the scene and I see such a tremendous need people have to get their calendars and to-do lists under control, I’m offering The Time Alchemy Formula for about half the listed price.   

    Instead of getting all this coaching and content for $2997, you’ll get The Time Alchemy Formula for just $1,997. That’s a $1,000 savings and it will be the first and only time I will offer it at this price. (Ask me about a way to slash that $1,997 price in half!)

    I’m doing this because I want to support as many people as possible with this proven system. And, I want as many people as possible to unleash their gifts to enhance our world.

    Let’s use the first 90 days of 2024 to level up and go into the next quarter with a whole new perspective and confidence. In record time, you’ll have everything you need to obtain and master time affluence.


    I look forward to bending time with you!


    Kathleen Peterson

    Lifestyle & Human Performance Coach

    I would be honored to work with you.

    Ready To Dive
    Right In?


    Let’s Talk

    Are you a potential Time Alchemist? In a fast 15 minute chat, we can see if this is the best way for you to spin extra time out of thin air.